More and more often, couples who are trying to get pregnant are hearing something surprising…
Try Acupuncture.
Who would think that these tiny little needles could do anything to help couples with their fertility?
If you are wondering how Acupuncture can help you and you don’t want to take my word for it, here’s what some real smart people at Cornell Medical Center in New York have proven Acupuncture can do…
• Increases blood flow to the uterus, which improves the chances of an ovum implanting on the uterine wall
• Reduces anxiety, stress and the hormones that are secreted during stressful situations that can significantly decrease fertility
• Normalize hormone and endocrine systems that regulate ovulation
• Positively affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which plays a key role in fertility
• Regulates the menstrual cycle
So there you go, the proof is in the pudding.
The next big question is when should you think about trying Acupuncture?
Well, that part is up to you… we’ve helped couples at just about every stage of the pregnancy process.
• Are you thinking about starting to try to get pregnant soon?
Use acupuncture to get your cycles regulated, get your stress levels down and start getting your body as healthy as it can be so you can get pregnant, feel great and carry a healthy baby to term.
• Have you been trying to get pregnant for a while and haven’t had any luck yet?
Well, most OB’s and Reproductive doctors won’t get involved until you have been trying for at least a year.
Acupuncture can be a great way to bring in some support and identify the issues that could be getting in the way of becoming pregnant.
• Have you received a diagnosis of PCOS, endometriosis, reduced ovarian reserve, reduced sperm function/counts or the dreaded “unexplained infertility”?
Acupuncture has been shown in several studies to have positive impacts on all of these things. Incorporate acupuncture into the other things you are doing with your doctor to give your body every chance to correct these issues and boost your fertility!
• Are you doing ART?
Doing acupuncture during IUI or IVF cycles is becoming standard practice at many fertility clinics so if you’re clinic doesn’t have someone on staff then take the time to find an Acupuncturist in your area that specializes in fertility and get started!
Alright, if this hasn’t convinced you to use Acupuncture to benefit your fertility… then I don’t know what will. So find someone who specializes in fertility, get over the idea of needles (they are NO big deal) and let the poking and baby making begin!!!